Sans Alliés Now Live on Kickstarter

ks now live bannerAfter many months of preparation, our new design, Sans Alliés, is now live on Kickstarter. We have a huge goal to reach, so we are grateful to you for considering backing this project and/or for sharing the campaign with anyone you might know who’d be interest in this game.

For more details on the game, you can click the banner above or the link below. Thank you very much!

Go to the Kickstarter page!

box mock upNamaste and Happy Gaming!

WWII: Fuel for Fantasy

nazi daleksYesterday, I watched The Force Awakens for the third time, and this weekend, my wife and I are wrapping up a Harry Potter marathon we’ve had going with the kids.  I’ve been reminded of a literary insight I’ve long held about these (and many other) fantasy stories.  My insight isn’t particularly insightful, I suppose, nor original.  I’m sure this has been much better articulated in a number of other essays by much better essayists, but I’ve been espousing it to my friends and students for a long time, and it deserves to be in the Past Go canon.  It is simply this: The Second World War is a rich source of repeated metaphorical reference in speculative fiction.  There are probably ten thousand examples, not even including the film and literature that use the actual, historical war as their setting.  I would like to briefly touch upon three to make my point, which will be Star Wars, Harry Potter, and The Lord of the Rings.

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grizzled coverDesigners:  Fabien Riffaud & Juan Rodriguez
Artist: Tignous
Publisher: Cool Mini or Not
Players: 2-5
Playing Time: about 30 minutes

Complexity: medium/competitive
Random Interference: medium
Components: A
Aesthetics: A
Overall: A

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The Consummate Diplomat

dip mapOne of my goals here at Past Go is to explore that surprising and sometimes profound juncture where tabletop games—on the surface merely a thing of novelty and entertainment—actually intersect with real life, sometimes in serious ways. For me, personally, and at this stage in my geeking career, I can think of no example of this conflagration more influential than the game Diplomacy. Continue reading